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Table of contents

About the document


System requirements


Using Dilmac



About the document

This document covers Dilmac Installation and working guide. It also comes with a simple troubleshooting guide. For a successful installation of the tool, please read this document carefully. A www page is associated with the tool at and covers most recent notes and possible bug tracking information.


 Dilmac is a tool to convert Turkish texts from Arabic alphabet to Latin and vice versa( currently, Arabic to Latin is implemented). Basically it is designed to work with Microsoft word but may be used as command line tool for general conversions.  

 System requirements


Microsoft windows XP or Vista


Microsoft Word XP, 2003, or 2007


Please note: for Windows vista and XP, you must be an administrator on the system.

  1. Close any running program ( specially Microsoft office programs)

  2. Extract into some proper location, for example, to d:\dilmac

  3. Find and execute setup_dilmac.bat in the extracted folder. Note: in windows vista, right click on the file and select 'Run as administrator' from the appearing context menu.

  4. Wait until installation completes. Then, start and configure Microsoft Word


    Microsoft Word XP, 2003:

    1. From Tools|Macros|Security Select the medium security level.

    2. Close and re-open Microsoft word.

    3. The application asks you for enabling or disabling dilmac macros; click Enable Macros.


    Microsoft Word 2007:

    1. From office main menu, select Word Options.

    2. Select Trust Center |Trust Center Settings.

    3. In the Macro Settings  section select Disable with notification.

    4. The application asks you for enabling or disabling dilmac macros; click Enable Macros.

Using Dilmac

Start Microsoft word, there must be a new menu item entitled "Dilmac".  This it is your start point to use the tool.

Type some text in Arabic alphabet then choose Dilmac|Latina Chevir from main menu. Dilmac saves your current document and then makes a copy of it in the html format. It executes an external program to convert the newly create document.


Output formatting is missing or garbled.

Although Dilmac saves many aspects of document formatting, some of them for .doc files may not be applicable to .html files. in the conversion from .doc to .html, these types of formatting will be removed!.

I want to convert custom selections of the document, not whole of it!

Simply, copy selection you want to convert to a new document. convert this newly created document and copy  the converted section back to original document.

Dilmac works fine but too slow!

Dilmac makes heavy text processing. so it may take too long to convert large documents. it takes less than a minute to convert a 10 page document and about an hour for a 200 page one! using a typical pc. it is recommended to partition large documents to several files and convert each file separately.

Last Update:07/11/2009 09:51:23 PM

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